Hi. I'm Kyle Agee. I am a Photographer, a Designer, an Educator, a Musician, a Tinkerer, a Woodworker, and most importantly, an Explorer. While I am excited that you are here looking at my work, I did not create it for you.
I consider myself to be an ethnographer, and photography is the way in which I explore and understand the world God created around me. The camera has a magical effect on me. When I am working, I find myself looking more deeply into this world and it's inhabitants and finding clues to understanding their lives.
I have found a love and appreciation for multiple photographic mediums and formats. I am currently working primarily in digital, 35mm and medium format film. However, my love for large format film and wet plate collodion is never waning.
In my spare time, I enjoy a multitude of different tinkering projects. my past projects include everything from building furniture to building guitar amplifiers and effect pedals. I am currently experimenting with building a 3D printer and semi-hollow guitar.
Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to keep up with me on my Instagram account: kyle.agee. I use my Instagram account for any images that don't fit into a large series and anything I manage to accidentally set on fire.
- Kyle Agee
Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all around the world would do this, it would change the earth.
- William Faulkner